Launching Home Loans: How to Build a Profitable & Scalable Mortgage Operation
As pent-up mortgage market demand grows, the question becomes: Who will cater to the needs of up-and-coming borrowers? Now is an ideal time to capture market share in anticipation of the next inevitable upswing. By setting the infrastructure for mortgage operations now, entrants can successfully grab a piece of the pie as strong demand drives industry growth in coming years.
If you’re considering taking a first step into mortgages, your research has likely unearthed the substantial opportunities, as well as challenges, inherent to launching home loans. In this eBook, we’ll dive into the benefits mortgage operations offer and outline the logistics, costs, and requirements you’ll want to consider.

In this eBook, you’ll get:
- 5 major benefits of entering mortgage lending or increasing your loan offerings
- How to choose the institution type and product mix best suited to your unique business
- The ins and outs of the licensing process
- How to partner for success in mortgage lending

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“Entering the mortgage lending space offers powerful value to both de novo entrants new to the space and existing banking and credit union business models through a variety of revenue-enhancing benefits.”