Pricing for modern lending

QuickPricer provides hassle-free loan product searches for pricing discussions with leads and borrowers.

A couple looking at a phone together.

QuickPricer with Optimal Blue

With QuickPricer, loan officers don’t need to create a borrower or wade through hundreds of fields. Instead, they can quickly offer borrowers easy-to-understand pricing scenarios, allowing for spontaneous, one-on-one interactions. QuickPricer is available for customers leveraging the Optimal Blue pricing engine.

Quick and easy

Use QuickPricer’s intuitive interface to facilitate fast loan product pricing options. Run a scenario for anyone to give quick options on the go.


Foster trust and rapport with borrowers through QuickPricer’s readily understandable information, presented in a comprehensive, professional report.

Compare & Share

Create and send multiple pricing scenarios, educating the borrower and driving them into the loan application.


Help LOs facilitate pricing discussions no matter where they are with QuickPricer’s mobile-friendly interface.

Faster results

Experience fast estimations with minimal inputs, allowing LOs to engage leads and convert more to borrowers.

Stylized screenshot of the Maxwell app showing Your Loan Options and comparing numbers for a 30 Year Fixed, 30 Year with Points, and a 15 Year Fixed

Compare & Share

Compare & Share is a powerful benefit of QuickPricer that allows LOs to quickly create and send multiple pricing scenarios, educating the borrower and driving them into the loan application.

Unlike competitor pricing tools, which require the LO to manually create side-by-side comparisons for the borrower using screenshots or copied text, Compare & Share seamlessly integrates with Maxwell for both the lender and the borrower.

Easily send a summary pricing option email or use the QuickPricer report as a tool to drive discussion, engaging the borrower, providing expertise and guidance, saving the LO time, and creating stickier leads.